Office Workspace Management Challenges

The Human Resource & Administrative staff is constantly struggling to manage and coordinate the allocation and management of office workspaces. Managing the workspace utilization for new recruits and internal employee movements and transfers can be time consuming and error-prone. This challenge manifolds when the organization spans multiple offices across different geographical locations.

Maintaining information of available and allocated workspaces, across different shifts is a big challenge. To an organization, underutilized workspace is a cost. If the workspaces are not optimally allocated, it creates a fragmented workspace. Reporting, analysis, allocations and approvals take a lot of time, adding to manual overheads and interventions. From an employee perspective, it causes a lot of dissatisfaction when they face confusions relative to the desk they are allocated when they join or they are internally transferred. The loss of work productivity due to such issues often goes unnoticed.

This calls for a good workspace management solution that can address these concerns and provide facility managers, HR personnel and system administrators a simple, real-time view of workspace utilization and an intuitive way to manage allocations.

In addition to simply managing the workspace allocations, there are several other aspects that are associated in the process. Normally aspects like Telephone Extensions, specific hardware, devices and several other such items are tied to a desk. A good workspace management solution provides an opportunity to easily manage such items when a desk is being allocated. When employees are transferred, there are certain items that they need to carry to the other seat and some items remain at the place they were originally seated. Keeping a tab of such inventory becomes easy with a good workspace management solution.

Workspace Management Solution offers several tangible and intangible benefits to an enterprise

  1. Time Reduction & Increase in Efficiency: Significant reduction to the overall time to complete the workspace allocation and change requests.
  2. Process Improvement: Significant improvement in the workspace allocation process through easy approvals and better coordination between HR, Facility Administrators & Department Heads
  3. Elimination of errors in the approval process: Manual and ad-hoc methods of managing the workspace utilizations and approvals are replaced with simple, automated wokflows based on real-time information.
  4. Accurate & Reliable Reports & Analytics: Availability of accurate, intuitive, and meaningful reports to derive insights on how the facility is being utilized. The operational reports streamline management process and maintain data very hygienically.
  5. Increased employee satisfaction: The employees get a good experience when they are inducted or transferred within the enterprise. There are no errors, waiting periods or missing important facility items like pre-requisite devices, hardware, telephone extensions etc.

A good technology solution can create a positive impact on the experience of staff at work place and proves to be a good investment. It also gives an added advantage to building better data, minimizing costs and improving productivity. A team that can successfully implement such tech tools in the organization can benefit the workforce with fewer pain points, more comfort and lot of time to focus on productive tasks.

Qbicle- Workspace Management Solution

Qbicle is a simple but powerful Workspace Management Soution by NetWeb. It offers simple, graphical view of the workspace utilization and allows allocation of workspaces with a real-time floor plan interface of enterprises. Find out how Qbicle can be a great solution to any enterprise for addressing their workspace management related challenges. Know more and get in touch now at