Software Development

  • NetWeb CREDO™ is a well-developed and highly structured methodology to execute assignments quickly and effectively. It has evolved over our 26-year experience of executing multiple assignments for a diverse set of customers.
    CREDO™ is an implementation of NetWeb’s quality policy and ISO certified processes.
In practice, CREDO™ is a set of standardized and validated project management systems, operating procedures and activity checklists to establish predictability, repeatability and reproducibility at every stage of the design-to-delivery process.
Each stage in CREDO™ is iterative and evolving to ensure that the output of one stage becomes a quality input for the subsequent stage. Our collaborative and iterative approach means we work alongside clients as one integrated team.

Software Development Process

CREDO™ delivers our quality objective of “Zero-Defect, On-Time, Every-Time” for achieving total customer satisfaction.