Human Resource Management

Technology in Human Resource Management now a days plays a very vital role in the whole process of hiring, retaining and maintain the resources in alignment with Administration. Such technology holds many features for smooth functioning of human resource information system and processes and can be used by many stakeholders like HR team, managers and employees. Such tools makes it easier and faster to gather, collect and communicate information with the employees. HR team also saves time to focus on other activities.

NetWeb provided an HR portal for easy requisitioning and workflow process for various HR requisitioning like business card printing. The portal is seamlessly integrated with the ERP, Email and User Security environment. Also developed a portal that provides an application for different company locations to plan for international intra-company travel and manage the approval process at both, the base and host locations. Another portal was developed for worldwide requisitioning and approval of user access and credential management of the company’s key internal applications including ERP.